Our Story, Part Two

Being on asthma medication helped Sweet Pea’s breathing troubles quite a bit. Though she was on the medication with amazing improvement, she did not get an official diagnosis until the spring of 2006. The pulmonologist also checked for celiac disease but luckily that test came back negative.

Finally, that summer, our pediatrician thought we should see an allergist.  We had Maya’s very first skin test done August 1st 2006. She tested positive to dairy, egg, pea, chicken, potato, corn, bean, tomato, beef, pork, and wheat. Needless to say, that was a massive shock. That essentially eliminated everything that a typical American child, well, person for that matter, eats.  We had that set for about two years. During those two years I worked very hard to figure out what to feed my daughter. She ate bison, turkey, rice, veggies, fruits, and oatmeal.

In May of 2008 she was tested again. We were able to add beef, wheat, tomato and potato back into her diet. That was a good day! 🙂 I made her French fries and a burger to celebrate. Though I was pretty happy about things, my aunt, who had been at the testing appointment with me helping with Sweet Pea’s brothers, said I ought to get a second opinion.

(*Keep in mind, her reflux is STILL going on, and getting worse.*)

In August of 2008 we began our first EE saga. We went through the trips a couple of hours away from home, the endoscopy, all that stuff, with NO results.  Not a thing. Our pediatrician then referred us to an ear, nose, and throat doctor who looked at Sweet Pea for thirty seconds and diagnosed her. He said the back of her throat was like a cobble stone street and she was just swallowing air while trying to scratch her throat. Makes sense, right? Well, I was not a happy camper. We went through with ALL of that, for somebody to take thirty seconds to figure it out? Not okay!

I began looking for a new pediatrician and once I found one that sounded good, promptly switched. I am so glad we did!

To be continued…:-)

One response to “Our Story, Part Two

  1. Pingback: Our Story, Part Three « Food Allergies On A Budget

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